import/export...and everything in between

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Deluka's Cascade Gets A "Full On" Remix By Mattie Safer

Ever wonder what Mattie Safer has been doing since he left The Rapture? Well, seems like he's been remixing Deluka for starters.

The band gets a little more dancier (is that possible?!) with a little help from Mattie that will find itself creeping up your iTunes "Top 25 Most Played" tracks very very soon.

Deluka - Cascade (Mattie Safer Full On Remix)


alyssa. said...

Thanks for the recommendation- I love chick lead singers...
I wanted to share a website with you called Brite Revolution- They've got some pretty cool indie artists on there and they have exclusive downloads that you can't get anywhere else. Enjoy!

musicshuffle said...

their a great band and love their new EP. i would recommend this to anyone looking for some good music & music you can dance too