import/export...and everything in between

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Radar On: Gaggle

What happens when 20 girls get together and decide to form a band? One word: Gaggle. Made up of Alibi, Bennett, Coughlin, Culwick, D, Dana, Green, Gusset, Honey, Kiki, Kumari, Launette, Lipstick, Luddite, McClean, Missmiss, Namsoo, Polydorou, Strick, Wunderla who all go by pseudonym since they hold down normal day jobs.

Considered "beyond description" by the Time in the UK, the band calls themselves an all girl alt-choir that make music about booze, drugs and things you always wish women had the guts to sing about more often.

To get the true experience, check out their video for their song I Hear'll be intrigued and then hooked. Promise.

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