Madonna emerged from this massive disco ball with a whole equestrian get up and danced like she was 18 years old. Somehow she found the ability to get on this swinging saddle and sing Like A Virgin at the same time and then she vanished into a floor in the floor only to come back on a cross and sing Live To Tell in this hideous orange shirt and maroon velvet pants. Jean Paul Gautier should have been shot for that outfit, shame on him.
Highlights included (because I could go through the whole show detail by detail and you'll be reading for an hour or just get really fucking bored) Lucky Star into Hung Up (where she had on that amazing purple leather jacket and she came out on a carousel like contraption), Music (complete with John Travolta a la Saturday Night Fever outfits) where she broke out her best 70's dance moves, Get Together and Jump. Can't forget also (even though not my favorite track on the album) about I Love New York...which she wrote for "us motherfuckers."
One thing tha was strange was Madge got a little too into the political side of things. Yes, she is a very smart woman. No she is not Bono or Angelina Jolie...keep it to a minimum. Even so, Fuck the NY Newsday writer for saying the show kind of sucked...he's a jaded cynical reporter that can kiss my ass
It was sort of emotional for me...I just think she's an incredible woman and she is so admirable. Enough with the sappy shit though, can you imagine being one of her kids and saying "Thats my mom!" Also, salute to the cute little boys who were doing the Hung Up choreography right from their seats...they made my heart melt! Note to self: Look like Madonna and be as cool as her when you are her age
Confessed? Abso-fucking-lutely.