import/export...and everything in between

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Lily Allen is the New Face of Agent Provocateur

Who would have ever thought that a trainer wearing pop singer would STILL be a designer's dream to snatch up for ad campaigns. First is was the all the talk that Lily would be doing something with Chanel. Then it was her own line "Lily Loves" for New up is....


"The owners of Agent Provocateur, Joe Corre and Serena Rees, are delighted. They feel her natural look will appeal to a lot of women. She's in amazing shape since she lost the weight, and the pictures of her are absolutely incredible", says someone close to the company.

I guess going to the hypnotist to lose weight actually did some good for Lily. Then again, I miss the old "I don't give a shit" Lily...what happened to her?

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