import/export...and everything in between

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

MGMT Played To A Packed McCarren Pool

MGMT may be the reigning kings of Brooklyn's music scene right now...and they proved it with a killer performance at McCarren Park Pool on Sunday (July 28).

The line was insanity...people were waiting hours in the rain to get in, they shut off the VIP list, beer was tapped, you name it and it happened.

Coming on at around 5:45PM with dreary skies above, the band played a set list with all the goodies from "Oracular Spectacular" that had everyone dancing.

Playing "Time To Pretend", "Kids", "Pieces Of What", "The Youth", "Weekend Wars" and many others, the crowd was going mental throughout the whole gig.

Photo credit: Clampy505

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