import/export...and everything in between

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Blood Red Shoes U.S News

Blood Red Shoes are coming to U.S shores quicker then we think. In a chat on Gigwise today, Steven confirmed that the band will be touring the States in March. Dates are TBA but its great news!

Also, check out the latest on their album release from the latest blog on their MySpace:

yup that's right. we're stuck in the cycle now....albums and's like being in a real band.....we're not just little brats anymore....we're "professional" little brats...

so we've finished the beast that is our debut album. 11 songs with some live classics you all know and love and some new material which we're really excited about. and no fucking love songs. it's some kinda monster. and it's pencilled for january 28th release tho you can hear the next single off it up on the myspace, and if you come to the tour we're currently on then keep yr eyes open for some little credit-card flyers - they've got details of how to access more album track downloads in advance.

so now the task is to take the songs around the world and wield them like weapons. we're feeling good after some wicked festival experiences (shout out to anyone at reading fest in particular), i got excited and bought a sampler, and laura-mary is getting more and more lairy with every gig (i caught her the other night jumping off the stage with her guitar, into the audience and rocking out with some massive hairy guy). i think she wants to be the female slash or something. and i just re-read the motley crue biography. so it's hotting up. our energy levels are increasing. our booze consumption is definitely increasing. and we're even eating more thai food, which we never realised was possible. in fact, we're on the road to becoming a superhuman rock machine. (so long as we remember to sleep now and again)

so in summary, album: good, touring: good, loudfuckingrockmusic: supergood. we're here for the black flag crown of 300 shows in a year and we're gonna fucking take it.....and there's still the USA, japan, and maybe even russia in the pipeline. so here's to being in a band. whatshischops from coldplay calls it "the best job in the world". we call it the best excuse not to get a job in the world. come and slack off with us.


steven xx

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